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Course Syllabus

SDEV 305 - Web Development Frameworks

Fall 2020 (Item #5603)

Course Information

Instructor Information

Course Format

This course will meet via Zoom during the scheduled class times. Please be present if at all possible. Class meetings will be recorded in case you are unable to attend in person. There is an additional online component to the course.

Course Description and Outcomes

Students form software development teams and build a responsive database-driven web application. Focus on understanding and integrating the various technology components of modern web applications. Survey of security practices in the web technology stack.

This is a project based class. Overall, you should expect to spend about 10 hours per week outside of class working on your project and completing class assignments.

At the end of the course, you should be able to:

Program Outcomes

Campus Learning Outcomes

Course Resources

Required Textbook

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Course Policies

Late Work

All assignments are posted well in advance, so be sure to get an early start! Late assignments will be accepted up to one week after the due date, and will receive 50% credit. Pair programs may be turned in within one week of the due date without penalty.


Regular attendance and participation are required to succeed in this course. Absences have a huge impact on your team productivity, as well as your individual learning. If missing a class is unavoidable, you are responsible for watching the video, and communicating with your teammates.

Team Contribution

All team members are expected to contribute their fair share to the class project. In most cases, everyone will receive the same project points. However, in the rare case that a team member does not adequately contribute to the team effort, their grade will be adjusted accordingly. An individual grade for a sprint may be different from the team grade, based on peer evaluations and instructor discretion.

To avoid any lost points, all students should strive to be productive and contributing team members.

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