The course assumes that you have basic familiarity with object oriented terminology and concepts (classes, objects, methods), programming structures (decisions and loops), variables and expressions, and arrays.
Students taking this course will learn the foundations in class design, inheritance and polymorphism. Students will also explore Java exception handling and stream IO, with an emphasis on reading from and writing to files. An introduction is made to all basic data structures, including: lists, stacks, queues, sets and maps. Fundamental conversations on recursion, interface design, inner and generic classes are also covered.By the end of the course, you should be able to:
By the end of the course the student will be able to:
Required Absolute Java, by Walter Savitch. ISBN: 0134041674. Available from the campus bookstore or online.
All resources from class will be posted to the course web site in Canvas at
Check your email account daily for important announcements.
Late assignments may be submitted within one week of the due date, and will receive 50% credit.
Cell phones and pagers must be turned off while in the classroom. If your cell phone rings in class, you owe me a latte the next class period. If my phone rings in class, everyone gets donuts!
Regular attendance and participation are required to succeed in this course. If missing a class is unavoidable, you are responsible for making arrangements with a classmate to get any missed announcements, handouts, or lecture material.
During class, computers are to be used only for course-related work, not for checking email, playing games or surfing the Web. These activities are distracting to your classmates and disrespectful to the instructor.
Plagiarism occurs when you knowingly submit someone else's work (ideas, words, code) as your own. Plagiarism is an act of intentional deception that is not only dishonest, it robs you of the most important product of education - the actual learning. If your work is plagiarized (i.e. copied), you will receive a failing grade of zero on the assignment. If your work continues to be plagiarized during the quarter, you will receive a failing grade for the course.
You must abide by the following rules:
Grading in this course consists of your demonstrated competency and professionalism on assignments and exams. If you have any questions or concerns about a course grade, talk to the instructor within 2 weeks of receiving the grade. The following is a breakdown of grades for the course:
Assignments | 20 pts each |
Pair Programs | 10 pts each |
Quizzes | 10 pts each |
Midterm & Final | 50 pts each |
Grades will be converted according to the following scale:
Decimal | Percent |
4.0 | 95 |
3.9 | 94 |
3.8 | 93 |
3.7 | 92 |
3.6 | 91 |
3.5 | 90 |
3.4 | 89 |
3.3 | 88 |
3.2 | 87 |
3.1 | 86 |
3.0 | 85 |
2.9 | 84 |
2.8 | 83 |
2.7 | 82 |
2.6 | 81 |
2.5 | 80 |
2.4 | 79 |
2.3 | 78 |
2.2 | 77 |
2.1 | 76 |
2.0 | 75 |
1.9 | 74 |
1.8 | 73 |
1.7 | 72 |
1.6 | 71 |
1.5 | 70 |
1.4 | 69 |
1.3 | 68 |
1.2 | 67 |
1.1 | 66 |
1.0 | 65 |
0.0 | <65 |
If you believe you qualify for course adaptations or special accommodations under the Americans With Disabilities Act, it is your responsibility to contact Disability Support Services (DSS), located in the Lindbloom Student Center (LSC) office number 271 and provide the appropriate medical documentation.
If you have already documented a disability or other condition through Green River Community College’s DSS Office, which qualifies you for special accommodations, or if you have new medical information; please make sure you notify DSS during the first week of class at (253) 833-9111 extensions x2631 (DSS main line); x2318 (Program Coordinator, Jean Carlson); x2646 (Director, Jamie Hatelberg) or at (253) 288-3359 TDD to ensure delivery of your Letter of Accommodation.
If you use an alternative medium for communicating, let me know well in advance of the meeting (at least one week) so that appropriate accommodations can be arranged.